Thursday, June 26, 2008

Vacation - The Restful Day

Today was a restful day. After being at Lagoon the entire day Wednesday, we needed a day to recover. Chase especially. He apprantly had a really hard time the first several hours we were gone, and continued his crying escapades, with off and on napping between. Baby Rachel, who is actually slightly older than Chase, even attempted to give him one of her pacifiers to calm him down since he didn't have one anymore. This is the one that finally worked for him. Too funny!

After Chase's nap, Eric and I took him to Walmart for some groceries so I could make an apple pie. This was not necessarily a good choice since he screamed in the car on the way there and home. Gee wiz! He did cheer up while helping me make the pie, though. Hailey and Rion went to the library with Sarah and Alice, so they were able to get out of the house too.

Eric took Rion to see Iron Man for the 7:35 pm showing. They thought it was a great movie. Rion's favorite part was when one of the bad guys tried shooting the "Iron Man" in the head, only to have the bullet bounce back and hit him. He thought that was pretty funny. If you haven't seen the movie yet, here is the preview.

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