Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Chase!

Today is Chase's 2nd birthday! It has been an interesting day, from him saying "pease" for a chocolate out of the freezer, to him screeming to get out of bed at naptime, to being so cute and sleepy when he woke up, to playing on his new climbing toy with Savanna... I can't believe he's 2! Though, he has been in his terrible 2's for a few months now. In any case, happy birthday buddy boy!

I love this baby picture of Chase. We wanted to photoshop a picture of a heart tattoo on his arm with "Mom" written across it. It is so funny how he's holding on to his skin!

Well, Chase was 8 lbs 6 oz, 21 inches long. He is the only child that I have actually gone into labor with, so he at least cooperated that way! He is a funny little guy that likes to laugh, play, and hit things while saying, "hi ya!" What a goof. He does not like to get in the car without putting the key in the ignition himself (not turning it on), and he loves to pester Hailey. He'll be one of those little brothers that runs around his sister's slumber parties with a squirt gun. He is very attached to his blanket, especially the tag, and when the kids are doing something, or we ask him if he wants to go somewhere or eat something, he says, "I do!" What a fun little guy...most of the time.

1 comment:

Orange Peanut said...

Happy Birthday Chase!!!