Sunday, May 4, 2008

Preparation List - May 4th-May 10th - Week 1

Getting back to things we need to purchase, here is this week's food storage list.

Week 1

Grains: wheat, rye, triticale, bran, corn, barley, cracked wheat, millet. Flour: wheat & white. Get a hand grinder.

If you get these things in bulk, be sure you have airtight ways to store the excess. Either purchase #10 cans and seal them, or find a way you can freeze it. For long term storage, whole grain wheat is simply the longest lasting item, but requires a wheat grider of some kind. Wheat takes a while for the body to get used to processing, so be sure to start now in small quantities to get your family used to eating it. The last thing you want to do is start using your wheat during a crisis and then end up with a very constipated family on top of dealing with the crisis! (Sorry for the visual, but it's true.)

Good luck, and be proud of yourself for beginning your food storage, even if you are only financially able to purchase one or two things.

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