Sunday, May 25, 2008

Food Storage - May 25th-31st - Week 4

Can you believe May is almost over? This is our final week for May items. I hope everyone has been doing well. If you were unable to get any of these food storage items this month, don't panice and go get everything. Just start fresh with this week's list.

Week 4

Garden seeds: corn, carrots, green beans, broccoli, peas, onions, tomatoes, squash, zucchini. Buy a shovel.

Personally, I think this week's list should come earlier in the year, especially since most of us already have our gardens in. It would be easy to just purchase these seeds at the same time. Some stores may not have many more of these items, but do your best. Follow the directions for storage on the back of the packets. If there are other seeds that are not listed that you like, purchase those as well.

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