Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I have compiled a list of funny things that Rion and Hailey have said over the years.

Let's start with Rion:

*It took Rion some time to learn to say certain words. One of our favorites is "loose," or else shoes. A combination of this is "gurch loose" (church shoes). We would take his "loose" and have him repeat very slowly after us "sh - oos", which would go well. So we'd blend it "shhhooooosss" with the result being "shhhlllllooooosss."

*Before the potty training process began, Eric and I would constantly talk to Rion about where people go potty and poop, versus where he goes potty and poop. On one occassion, after asking him, "Where do Mommy and Daddy go poop?" the answer that followed was, "Mommy and Daddy go poop in my pants!"

*Toward the end of my pregnancy with Hailey, we were visiting Sarah and Joseph, and our friend Trina was down from D.C. She got a kick out of Rion getting excited over being excited, with a new coined phrase, "More Yay!!"

*When Rion was 4, he asked us one evening what was for dinner. Me, being the silly mom that I am, responded, "Underpants." Confused, Rion asked, "I eat my underpants?"

*After Hailey was born, Rion was introduced to the wonders of breastfeeding. (You know, because he didn't really remember when he did it.) We were visiting Grandma Vivian for the weekend, and I was nursing Hailey on the couch near Grandma's enclosed patio. Rion was rocking in the child's rocking chair, and pretending to nurse this little teddy bear. After calling him into the house and trying to explain to him that boys can't breastfeed since their nipples aren't made for that, he yells back, "No, Mom, I'm talking about MY nipples!" He then runs back onto the patio, sits in the rocking chair, pulls up his shirt, slams the bear against his chest, and rocks really hard for about 10 seconds. He then jumps up and throws the bear into a little tent right next to him. Wow! That was random!

*Along the breastfeeding line, Rion tells me one day when Hailey is just a couple weeks old, "When Hailey has mommy nipples, she'll have a baby in hers tummy!"

*Kids think they are so smart once they start Kindergarten. Being the educated soul that he was, Rion wakes up before school with an ear ache and tells me, "I have a ear reflection."

And now for Hailey:

*At the age of 2 years and 1 day, we decided it was time to go cold turkey with Hailey's pacifier. So, we cut the tip of the nipple off. At bed time, she put it in her mouth, sucked it, looked at it, and then said, "Suckie broken? We go buy more?" Gee wiz! What kind of 2 year old actually understands this concept...and can articulate it? Of course, she was so mad at her pacifier that she procedeeded to shove it far down in the garbage!

*Eric and I have never skirted around the issue of teaching our children the proper names for body parts. We figure, the more they know, and the more we can be frank about it, the more comfortable they will be with their bodies. So, during Sacrament Meeting in Sarah and Joseph's ward, actually during the passing of the Sacrament when all is quiet, Hailey starts saying, and pointing as she is saying this, "He has a penis, and he has a penis, and he has a penis."

*And again, with the body parts, while Hailey was potty training, I was trying to put a pull up on her before bedtime. Not wanting this to happen, Hailey says, "I wear my pannies on my gina!"

*For quite some time, Hailey's thing at bedtime, as well as the occassions she woke up during the night, was string cheese! She had to have string cheese, even if it was 2:30 in the morning.

*Another night time phrase that would just kill us was, "Will you close my eyes?" She still does that sometimes!

*On our way to Grandma and Papa Gibbons' house, Chase was falling asleep in the car. I made the comment, "Poor Chase." Hailey, not wanting to be left out, replied, "I'm poor!"

*Last summer, Hailey and Rion played quite a bit with Cameron and Rachel Hiler down the street. I realized that Hailey had learned the finer points of a "crush" when she told me, "When I grow up, I'm going to marry Cameron. He doesn't love me, but I'm going to marry him anyway." Boy are we in trouble!

I can't wait for Chase to really start talking! Though, he does say "UP" quite a bit, even when he wants down. I've determined that "up" probably means "the opposite of where I currently am." Makes sense to me!


treen said...

Hey Kimmo! I remember the "Yay!" and "More yay!" thing very clearly. In fact, I still say "More yay!" occasionally when things get particularly exciting. Thanks, Rion!

Orange Peanut said...

I love how straight forward and honest kids are! Not to mention the cute ways they pronounce things!

Jen said...

These are so funny! Seriously watch that crush...when my mom was 8 she told my grandma she had just met the nicest boy and was going to marry him when she grew up. She was talking about my dad!