Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We have had SO many sick kids in our house this winter. I am so ready for summer. Poor Chase has been sick since a week ago. He had the typical cold and post nasal drip cough that turned into an ear infection and and croupy/asthma type cough. After being on antibiotics for almost three days, he was still laying around and napping all day. We have another Dr. appt today at 3:00 to check him again. He is starting to be a little more active, but this cough is as bad as ever.

Then, at 6:00 this morning, Hailey decided it was her turn once again to have the stomach flu. Seriously! Will it ever end? After 3 episodes of vomitting, she actually seems to be feeling pretty well, but now I'm paranoid about anyone coming over.

Someone please tell me that I have a full night sleep in the near future!


James and Jessi McCalvy said...

I can't believe Chase is so huge! What happened to the baby in the car seat? Long Distance Hugs to you and your sick kids.

Jess and the KIDS!!!! said...

a full nights sleep with 3 kids....if you ever get one please tell me how. I would love to know. It's been months literally:) Hang in there and just know that once you have all had it it should be done with!

Lisa said...

Ugh, I'm ready for summer too! The kids here have somehow avoided all sickness for over a month now except a little runny nose. Good luck to ya!