Saturday, September 20, 2008


I now have been tagged by two different people: Trina and Tory. Go figure that they they both begin with 'T' and they aren't even the same tag! Hmmm. And, I might add, since these are about me, these can work toward my "100 things about me" that I still have finished. This now brings me to 87. hee hee

So, here goes.

This was from Trina a couple of weeks ago. (Sorry it took me so long Trina!) The funny thing is, she tagged "Kimmo". Unless there is someone else out there that she has nicknamed "Kimmo", this HAS to be me. This was my nickname in college. Well, that and "Sister Warren" since I was writing to a certain handsome "Elder Warren" at the time. (wink, wink)

  1. Where is your cell phone? right next to me.
  2. Your significant other? Eric
  3. Your hair? chin-length
  4. Your mother? LPN for Hospice
  5. Your father? District Manager for H&R Block
  6. Your favorite thing? lately, it's quiet time to read
  7. Your dream last night? Not sure, Chase kept coming in my room, so I didn't sleep much.
  8. Your favorite drink? Kerns nectars
  9. Your dream/goal? have the roof of the house we no longer own in CA paid off by a year from Christmas!
  10. The room you’re in? bedroom
  11. Your hobby? I don't really have just one. I like doing certain crafts, reading, blogging, but I guess the biggest is searching Craigslist for that next great find!
  12. Your fear? Dying in a plain crash when my kids aren't with me. Weird, I know.
  13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Debt Free!
  14. What you’re not? patient with my kids, but I'm working on it
  15. Muffins? poppy seed
  16. One of your wish list items? an antique trunk for the living room that I can put the kids' toys in.
  17. Where you grew up? Idaho
  18. The last thing you did? resign myself to the fact that I now have TWO tags that I need to complete.
  19. What are you wearing? jeans, layer T's
  20. Favorite gadget? cell phone
  21. Your pets? my husband
  22. Your computer? work laptop
  23. Your mood? sleepy
  24. Missing someone? The Vadnais, The Barrows, and all our friends in CA
  25. Your car? Chevy Silverado/Mazda Protege
  26. Something you’re not wearing? socks
  27. Favorite store? Well, I spend most of my time at Walmart, but I LOVE Michaels and the Craft Warehouse
  28. Like someone? do I ever NOT like someone?
  29. Your favorite color? I have a lot of pink. Strange since I hated pink growing up.
  30. When is the last time you laughed? a minute ago when I put "my husband" as my pet!
  31. Last time you cried? this afternoon at Karyn & Josh's sealing.

This one was from Tory. Cute idea, Tory, with the ABC's!

The Rules:

-- Link the person(s) who tagged you.
-- Mention the rules on your blog.
-- Fill in your own info.
-- Tag fellow bloggers.
-- Visit their blogs to see their info!

The Info:

A is for your age: 30 years old
B is for burger of choice: anything but McDonalds!
C is for the car you drive: 1999 Chevy Silverado
D is for your dog's name: Nope! No dog in this household!
E is for essential item you use every day: well, I use the computer for work all day, but I'd have to say the shower just to change things up a bit. :)
F is for favorite TV show at the moment:I'm not really watching anything right now until The Office gets going, but I can't wait for Lost in January!
G is for favorite game: We used to play Phase 10 all the time!
H is for home state: Idaho
I is for instruments you play: I currently play the piano, and once upon a time I played the flute and the basson.
J is for favorite juice: just about anything, except raspberry. Love the berry, don't love the juice!
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: myself for filling this out instead of going to bed!
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: Panda Express this afternoon on our way to the Temple
M is for your favorite Muppet: Elmo, and those aliens on Sesame Street that always said "Yep yep yep yep, uh huh, uh huh. Do you remember them?
N is for number of piercings: 1 set, but I had 2 sets before the Prophet said only 1 is sufficient
O is for overnight hospital stays: all of my kids' births.
P is for people you were with today: Seriously?! I need to write them all down? I don't know all of their names, but here goes: Jannae, Aaron, Tracy, John, Karyn, Josh, Guy, Christi, Kyra, Mike, Shannon, Joseph & their kids, Jennifer, Mike & their kids, Jody, Arron & their kids, and a bunch of other people at the temple today that I didn't know their names! Whew!
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Blog, Read, Sleep
R is for biggest regret: I don't really have regrets, though I do wish I had actually tried on wedding dresses with my mom instead of going straight to the fabric store and picking a pattern
S is for status: Happily married for 11 years on October 3rd!
T is for time you woke up today: 6:50am when we heard the loud thunder!
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: I can get along with almost everyone!
V is for vegetable you love: sliced tomatoes and cucumbers
W is for worst habit: over extending myself without deligating!
X is for x-rays you've had: other than the typical ones when you go to a new chiropractor, just one of my skull after I got hit by a car when I was 7.
Y is for yummy food you ate today: Oh so much! I had guacamole, caramel popcorn, hot food!
Z is for zodiac: Aries

Woo hoo! I did it! I now tag Kim B, Shannon, Amie, Karyn, Tanya, Shelly, and Ruth! I'll be nice and let you choose which one, though!

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