Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vacation - HOME!

We made it! We went on vacation this last week to Utah, which explains the lack of posts. I am going to back date everything according to things that happened, so please keep reading downward.

As for arriving home, we got home at 1:15 am Sunday morning. I must say, I'm relieved. It was hard to leave Sarah and Joseph's house a day early, but it was lovely driving in the cool of the night. We left the car nearly full packed and just went to bed, and we were all asleep by 1:35. Chase did much better on the way home than he did on the way down, but it was exhausting making sure he was completely happy. We had to stop twice on the way home, one of which for gas and to let Chase stretch his legs and choose a bag of gummy bears to entertain him in the car, and the other purely so Chase wouldn't go ballistic on us again. The 2nd stop was at a rest stop about an hour from Boise. I think we were there for about 15-20 minutes while he ran around outside. He was finally ready to get back in the car once Eric showed him the PDA. Oh the things we do so that we can stay sane!

1 comment:

Orange Peanut said...

Glad you made it back home safe! I can't wait to read through all your adventures!