Friday, June 13, 2008


Tonight we experienced honesty at it's greatest! Eric took the boat out for a "guys night out". While he was packing everything up to come home, he place his wallet, his cell phone, and MY IPod on the bumper of the truck. He then forgot to gather them when leaving. When he arrived at home and saw that his cell phone was still on the bumper, and none of the other items, he immediately started the back tracking to find them. He found the IPod...all smashed on the road, but not his wallet.

Meanwhile, I was getting dinner ready and talking to my brother on my cell phone. The house phone rang, and wouldn't you know it, it was a guy by the name of Aaron who had found Eric's wallet in the road. Eric's driver's license still has my parent's address from when we lived with them, so he said that "it was the dickens trying to track down the right Eric Warren." I gave him Eric's cell phone number so that Eric could have the good news. Hailey and I were so happy after the call that we promptly knelt down and thanked Heavenly Father for watching out for us. Oh the blessings we received tonight...and such a wonderful teaching moment for Hailey! It's just too bad my IPod lost its life. Ah well.

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