Monday, March 2, 2009

Potty Training...

...has OFFICIALLY begun! We ran out of diapers on Friday and were left with just Pull-ups. The plan was to buy diapers after the Larsen's reception, but we were so tired that we decided to just go home. Then passed Sunday...and now today. I did buy the diapers this morning, but I also decided to test a theory that Chase is simply just being lazy. So I let him choose a candy, mini Tootsie Rolls, and off we went!

The plan: to let Chase have ONE Tootsie Roll every time he goes potty in the toilet and is dry when he goes potty. Overall, he did remarkably well! He had one accident, mostly because he is so accustomed to hiding in a closet when he goes poop. Other than that, he has been completely dry until right before bedtime. I think he had about 15-20 pieces of candy today. No wonder he didn't want a nap!

Now on to day two...


Emily said...

Good luck with the potty training! It sounds like it is going well so far!

Unknown said...

My son is 21 months and I have completely given up. He was doing sooo good and now not. I am tired of changing poop out of his he's back in daipers!!! How has it been going for you?